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occupational therapy stroke rehabilitation at home Recovering from the effects of a stroke can take long, hard weeks of therapy at home once a stroke patient leaves the hospital. OTs can help...
What do Occupational Therapists do for Dementia and How can I Help my Dad/Mum
No family should have to go through the pain, heartache, and struggle of an aging parent developing dementia. Although you may have heard of Alzheimer's Disease, there are other variations of...
Occupational therapy helping Parkinson's disease hand problems Occupational Therapy is often used to help some early and later on-set symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease. PD is a neurodegenerative...
Occupational therapy travel with wheelchair In the United States alone, over 3.6 million people use a wheelchair regularly. Additionally, there are countless others who will need to use a...
Occupational therapy exercises for falls prevention Reducing the risk of falls at home is vital in extending health and longevity for any individual. Falls in the home carry a severe risk of...
Ways OTs Can Help You Choosing Home Equipment to Stay Safe at Home
occupational therapy home assessment reduce risks and help you stay home Once you or someone you are caring for is discharged from a hospital, it is crucial that the next destination, such as...