Product Review

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This page is for those looking for Occupational Therapy resource information. Whether it’s finding the right equipment, understanding the different types of Occupational Therapy or if you’re looking for right people to help with your rehabilitation. There’s a list of useful resources to help with what you need. I also include government information and guidelines on OT and other pertinent information that is easily digestible.

For more information on resources relating to Occupational Therapy, please contact us at HT Neuro by clicking here.


I'm a Neurological Occupational Therapist and Founder of HT Neuro Rehab an Holistic & Person-Centred Adult Rehabilitation in London. I"m fully registered with the Health and Care Professionals Council (HCPC) and the Royal College of Occupational Therapists (RCOT). I have founded HT Neuro Rehab to provide clinical Occupational Therapy services to adults with neurological conditions, brain injuries, major trauma, upper limb retraining and rehabilitation, Prolonged Disorders of Consciousness (PDoC) and Functional Neurological Disorders (FND). My practice provides support, training, and guidance to both the patient and their families and caregivers. My goal is to enable each patient to achieve their personal ability, mobility, and independence goals while cultivating a long-term support network that is capable and prepared to engage in the rehabilitation journey.